AKA : Corvus Cycles Skookum


    up to 120mm

  • Custom Build Weights

    27+ lbs


    73 (not claimed 74)

  • Rear Wheel Clearance

    up to 26x4.8” / 27.5x4.2”


    68.5 (not claimed 67.5)








  • Fatback Skookum FLT = Discontinued by 2021

  • Fatback Skookum = Discontinued by 2021

  • Corvus Skookum (carbon) = Discontinued by 2022


  • exceeded 15% in 2020-22


  • exceeded 30% in 2020-2021


(updated 2023)

If you are the original owner of a Fatback Skookum that experienced a carbon frame failure, Fatback Bikes (now Corvus Cycles) has discontinued the model by 2023, even though you may still be covered under your existing 3-5 year warranty. Please contact the manufacturer directly to sort out your replacement frame, as we no longer sell Fatback / Corvus Cycles.

FATBACK BIKES went consumer direct in 2020.

After 4 years of being Canada’s Gold-Level FATBACK dealer, we will no longer be stocking their bikes.

UPDATE : FATBACK BIKES (AK) has changed its name to CORVUS CYCLES on (or by) 9 OCT 2021.

  • UPDATE : The FATBACK CORVUS has been renamed the CORVUS AKIO on (or by) 9 OCT 2021.

  • UPDATE : The FATBACK SKOOKUM has been renamed the CORVUS SKOOKUM on (or by) 9 OCT 2021.


Our internal STACK and REACH database program (which began updating Fat Bike frame geometries every year since 2015) detected changes to all 5 FATBACK frame models in early 2020, shortly after their company underwent a 100% turnover in staff.

Under new management, FATBACK changed the Frame Geometry statistics posted on their company website for all 5 production models of Fat Bikes they sold. This included the FATBACK SKOOKUM, SKOOKUM FLT, CORVUS, CORVUS FLT and RHINO FLT.

FATBACK ownership was questioned about the frame geometry changes (especially since new frame models had *not* been released). No corrections were made by the company. No new frames were released by the company, as of (21 OCT 2021), 1.5 years later. Same frame released in different colourways and decals.

In consideration, when FATBACK altered the ST and HT angles, the ETT (Effective Top Tube) and WB (Wheelbase) distances remained exactly the same. When FATBACK stated the CS was shortened, the WB, along with all other geometry stats remained exactly the same.

For public transparency, screenshots were captured of the data charts FATBACK published on their company website for Frame Geometry, before, and after, the staffing turnover in early 2020 (see chart details below). The geometry “enhancements” to all 5 models appear to be “marketing adjustments”.

  • The Geometry Charts posted on the Fatback website, do not match the current production fat bikes manufactured between 2015/16 and (21 OCT 2021). This includes :


(same frame from 2015-2022)

  • Seat Tube Angle (ST) changed from 73 degrees > 74.0 degrees

  • Head Tube Angle (HT) changed from 68.5 degrees > 67.5 degrees


(same frame from 2016-2022)

  • Chainstay (CS) changed from 455mm > 445mm


(same frame from 2015- late 2021)

  • Seat Tube Angle (ST) changed from 73 degrees > 74.0 degrees

  • Head Tube Angle (HT) changed from 69 degrees > 68 degrees

  • UPDATE : FATBACK / CORVUS CYCLES displayed “new” SKOOKUM and CORVUS (AKIO) pre-production fat bike frames at Sea Otter 2021 on 9 OCT 2021. FATBACK / CORVUS CYCLES also released new 2021 stock media photos of the Skookum on the same date. We compared the OCT 2021 photos to the 2016 original frame release photos, by layering them over each other, to see if the published ST change from 73 to 74 was fabricated, or physical in nature.

2016 FATBACK SKOOKUM, w/ Published ST=73, HT=68.5 degrees

2021 SKOOKUM w/ company-published ST=74, HT = 67.5 degrees

Has it really changed? Fatback claims a steeper ST and slacker HT, but with identical WB, REACH, STACK, BB Drop, CS and ETT. Is that physically possible?


AS OFFICIALLY POSTED ON THEIR WEBSITES in (2016-2019) and (2020-22)

2016-19 Skookum FRAME Specs

ST=73, HT=68.5

Click to ZOOM


2020-22 Skookum FRAME Specs

ST=74, HT=67.5

Click to ZOOM

BIKECAD rendering notes :

  • When entering the 2016-19 geometry specs into multiple Bike CAD programs, and then comparing their renderings to the results of the 2020-21 geometry chart alterations posted by Fatback for ST and HT respectively, each degree of ST or HT change on the size MD or LG Skookum frame, would normally translate to a physical ETT or WB change of 22-34mm. (but this did not happen)

  • These changes would normally equate to an entire Frame size change, when performing a bike fit. (but this did not happen)

  • In other words, if the ST was increased from 73 to 74, and HT was slackened from 68.5 to 67.5, and the top tube remained the same length, then the wheelbase would have been extended by about 34-37mm… or if the WB remained the same, the ETT would have decreased by about 22-25mm - But that also did not happen on the published Fatback geometry charts for 2020-21, hence “marketing adjustment”.

Layering the Skookum stock media pics from 2016 and 2021 :

layered picture of 2021 Skookum frame staggered slightly behind, and super-imposed over the 2016 Skookum, to show how the pictures looked before lining each one up over the front and rear axles. (see below)

The two Fatback Skookum stock media photos (from 2016 and 2021) were super-imposed / layered on each other in a popular photo editing program. Specifically, the 2021 photo was layered on top of the 2016 original photo of the Skookum.

Note the 2016 photo was taken from a camera viewpoint with the front fork legs lined up evenly (to the camera) and the tires were perfectly horizontal, whereas the 2021 photo was taken slightly behind the centerline of the frame, with the fork legs not lining up completely, and the tires not perfectly horizontal and level to the ground. The front tire in the 2021 pic looks a bit deflated with creases in the sidewall.

The 2021 pic needed to be rotated a bit, so the tires were perfectly horizontal, and then two screenshots were taken, one with both bikes centered on the rear axle and the other centered on the front axle.

2016 vs 2021 Skookum stock media photos centered on the rear axle.

If the ST was indeed increased from 73 to 74 degrees, you would see the difference in this photo, with the seat tube on the 2021 Skookum positioned about 25mm farther forward (of the 2016 Skookum), at saddle height - yet the two photos have IDENTICAL seat post angles, and INDENTICAL Seat tubes.

2016 vs 2021 Skookum stock media photos centered on the front axle.

If the HT was indeed slackened from 68.5 to 67.5 degrees, you would see one of the following changes take place in this photo : (1) Wheelbase would increase between 22-37mm (if ETT remained constant), (2) fork and head tube would physically have a slacker angle, (3) ETT of frame would decrease by about 22-25mm, if wheelbase remained the same. None of these conditions happened.

Conclusion? The 2021 Skookum (carbon) frame geometry appears to be physically the same as the 2016 Skookum (carbon) frame.

(This is not a small adjustment of ST+1 degree and HT-1 degree when considering the impact on ETT, because when combined, they are actually enough of an “error” to require a full frame size change for the customer).

(updated 15-NOV-2021)

FATBACK/CORVUS CYCLES ownership admits (on 12-NOV-2021) that the FATBACK SKOOKUM FRAME GEOMETRY HAS NEVER CHANGED SINCE its release in 2015

  • Proof = Live interview @ Fat-bike.com, between Fatback Bikes (Corvus Cycles since 9-OCT-2021) Owner Greg Matyas, Fatback Brand Manager Scott Wolfe, and Fat-bike.com owner and interviewer Tio Gomez, on The Danger Gnome Podcast 12-NOV-2021, entitled “Fatback Bikes becomes Corvus Cycles”.

link : https://fat-bike.com/2021/11/the-danger-gnome-podcast-fatback-bikes-becomes-corvus-cycles/

  • Comments confirming Skookum frame has remained unchanged since 2016, begin at 35min, 30sec, and continue through 36min 4sec when Scott Wolfe (Fatback Brand Manager) verifies (with regards to the Fatback Skookum) … “Tooling of the bike remains unchanged from previous years”.

In fact, Scott Wolfe also confirms the Seat Tube angle is even slacker than in previous years (and not steeper as they posted to their website’s geometry charts), because Fatback switched to a 120 EXT Mastodon COMP, when they originally equipped the bike with a 120 STD Mastodon PRO. Why does that matter? Well, the difference is an increase of 20mm AC (axle-to-crown) fork height.

The taller Mastodon Comp 120 EXT fork has the following effects on the frame geometry :

(think of this as isolating the rear axle in place, then inserting a taller fork - which has the effect of raising the frame up, and tilting it back)

  • Taller Stack height

  • Overall Reach is decreased, (which brings rider’s knees closer to the handlebars when turning)

  • Slacker Seat Tube angle - (which indirectly moves rider’s weight farther back over the bottom bracket)

  • Slacker Headtube angle - (which indirectly increases wheelbase length)

  • Bottom Bracket Drop decreases - (which raises the center of gravity of the bike, and increases ground clearance)

  • Increase in Wheelbase - (which alters handling characteristics)

  • Saddle is now positioned farther behind the bottom bracket by 10-20+mm, changing the rider’s pedaling position - (this can be an annoying side effect)

Our Fatback Geometry Chart “marketing adjustment” theory was proven by Fatback/Corvus management, in a live recorded conversation. The “updated” geometry of the Fatback (Corvus Cycles) carbon Skookum posted on the MFG website in 2020 and 2021 was disingenuous and misleading to both customers and dealers alike. The frame tooling/geometry has always remained unchanged since 2016.

For those Shill account holders responsible for repeatedly attacking and/or disparaging our company in 2020 and 2021, via 3rd-party website forum posts over this topic about the Fatback Skookum, here is the proof, right from Fatback Ownership, Live and recorded. Fatback’s new Brand Manager finally admitted to it, and therefore confirmed, what we claimed was happening for the last 2 years - Cross-platform “marketing adjustments” to the geometry charts of their fat bike lineup. (Same thing is admitted on this podcast for the Fatback Corvus / Corvus Akio - same frame since 2016, but this year, different fork with taller AC height (from a 473 to a 505) = same side-effects to frame geometry).

  • What is the least expensive way to “alter” a bike’s overall frame geometry, and market it as a “new” design? Change the AC height of the installed fork.

Big thanks go out to Fat-Bike.com for publishing that live interview !

  • We hear the Skookum carbon frame may be discontinued in 2022 or 2023, as the company continues to move over to more alloy and titanium frames, as part of its new rebranding strategy as Corvus Cycles.



(does not include import fees)


FRAMESET - (sold out)

(includes Manitou Mastodon COMP, not the PRO version)

  • Skookum FRAMESET = 1900 USD / $2185 CAD

  • Skookum FLT FRAMESET = (discontinued by MFG)


SKOOKUM - (sold out)

  • Skookum NX EAGLE = 3900 USD / $4485 CAD

  • Skookum GX EAGLE = 4750 USD / $5465 CAD

  • Skookum XO EAGLE = 5400 USD / $6200 CAD

SKOOKUM FLT - (sold out)

  • Skookum FLT GX EAGLE = (discontinued by MFG)

  • Skookum FLT XO EAGLE = (discontinued by MFG)

  • Skookum FLT XO1 = (discontinued by MFG)

FATBACK SKOOKUM custom build by RideFATbikes.ca


  • FRAME MATERIAL - Full carbon frame with 3 integrated frame protectors

  • REAR DROPOUT SPACING - 197 x 12mm


  • FORK COMPATIBILITY - Optimized for 120mm suspension forks

  • MAX TIRE SIZE - 5.0”

  • STOCK TIRES - Schwalble Liteskin Jumbo Jim 26x4.0” (or 4.8”)

  • RECOMMENDED TIRE SIZES - 26 x 4.0” to 4.8”, or 27.5+ (not designed for 27.5 x 4.2-4.5”)

  • DRIVETRAIN - Optimized for 1x12 spd

  • CHAIN RING CLEARANCE - up to 32T (round ring) Stock = 30T

  • HEADSET - Integrated 1 1/8" Upper(Campy) - 1 1/5" Lower

  • BOTTOM BRACKET - 100mm BSA threaded

  • SEAT COLLAR - 34.9mm

  • SEATPOST - 31.6mm


(as claimed by Fatback in early 2020 - see note at top of page)

Fatback Bikes sizing chart - Stack and Reach

FATBACK FRAMES - Company’s claimed STACK and REACH - compared to other Carbon Fat Bikes (circa 2017 / 2018)